Monday, May 11, 2020


Heliotropism is defined as the directional growth of a plant in response to sunlight, where the plant moves and grows in the direction of the light source.

Life is similar and moves in the direction of the stronger energy, according to one of my teachers.

I was talking to my young friend who is faced with a great deal of uncertainty regarding his job and his location. He wants to relocate and therefore, needs to find a different job in the location of his choice. Earlier, while he was optimistic about his prospects for finding a new job, the breakout of the global pandemic has changed the environment completely. Now he does not know when he will be able to find a job so that he can relocate. When and how the job prospects will improve is completely unknown. In this situation, he is having a hard time managing his anxiety and therefore, his emotional state.

I was talking to him about the principle of heliotropism. Just as a plant reaches for the sunlight, Life also reaches towards what we put our focus on. If we focus on the negative circumstances in our life, more of the same manifests for us. On the other hand, when we focus on what is positive, our life responds in similar fashion. This idea seemed to resonate with him.

In any situation where we are dealing with unknowns, there are certain possibilities inherent in that situation. Within the range of multiple possibilities, there are always some that are positive and some that are negative.  In a case where there are two possibilities, with one being positive and the other being negative, the odds of choice A or B are exactly 50/50. Thus, as we look at these various possibilities, can we choose to plant and nurture a positive thought, rather than a negative one? By choosing to focus on the positive, we energize the possibility of have a positive outcome. If, on the other hand, we focus on the negative outcome, that is what will manifest. Thus, can we consciously choose to move in the direction of the positive thought or energy, much like the plant moves towards sunlight?

What do you think? Do share your thoughts or experiences in this regard. I would love to hear from you. Please write to me at with your comments or thoughts.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Discover the possibility of growing from withing - Offering one-on-one personalized sessions!

 I am very happy to be offering personalized sessions since we are not able to do group work. Our workshops will return when it is safe to have them. Grateful that I get to do this work!
#processwork #humanprocesses #growfromwithin #personalgrowth #enablingconversations #untappedpotential